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People struggling with high blood pressure, low metabolism, a weak immune system, fertility problems, arthritis, inflammation, high cancer risk, nervous disorders, depression, anxiety, mood swings, nutrient deficiencies, constipation and indigestion among others should inhibit the regular consumption of pineapple juice.
Below are the many benefits of drinking pineapple juice:
·         Digestion: The high levels of dietary fiber found in pineapple juice, in addition to the presence of brome lain, a powerful digestive enzyme, can help optimize digestive processes and prevent symptoms of constipation. This can stimulate peristaltic motion to regulate bowel movements and ensure proper nutrient uptake by the digestive system.

·         Cancer: Beta-carotene and brome lain have both been associated with anti-cancer benefits, namely slowing the production and spread of cancerous cells. These antioxidant properties can lower oxidative stress and prevent chronic disease, while actively suppressing the mutation of healthy cells.

·         Blood pressure: The high level of potassium found in pineapple juice makes it an excellent remedy for high blood pressure. Potassium can help to reduce hypertension and protect overall cardiovascular health by reducing your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

·         Mood swings: Pineapple juice is very rich in vitamin B-6(known as pyridoxine) which is known to help regulate hormones in the body and improve the mood. This will help with anxiety issues and also with people who are prone to depression or hormone fluctuation.

·         Fertility: The varieties of rich blend of nutrients in pineapple juice, including potassium, vitamin C and a range of B vitamins, have all been linked with fertility increased in both. Men and women, and a positive boost in reproductive hormones.

·         Muscle function: Potassium does more than simply improving blood pressure levels. It also maintains fluid balance in the body, enables nerve impulses, and regulates muscle contraction. If you’re an active person, high levels of potassium are needed for optimal muscle function and pineapple juice can provide that for you.

·         Metabolic rate: The B vitamins found in pineapple juice have a number of metabolic functions in the body, ranging from the creation of enzymes to neurotransmitter function and red blood cell production. Without a steady supply of B vitamins, many of the critical processes in the body lose efficiency.

·         Immune system: Most varieties of pineapple juice are supplemented with vitamin C(ascorbic acid), in addition to the vitamin C already present in the fruit. This will kick-start your immune system and increase the production of white blood cells, which are the primary line of defense for the body.

·         Arthritis: Bromelain is an important enzyme found in pineapples, and is one of the richest sources of digestive enzyme. With its effect on digestion, it provides anti-inflammatory relief to the body. Including symptoms of arthritis.
The enzyme can also help with pain relief and the reduction of sinus congestion.

·         Growth and development: Pineapple juice can seriously boost collagen production, with its impressive content of vitamin C, which is necessary for the creation of all tissues, muscles, bones and blood vessels in the body.

Pineapple juice can get your body back on track in terms of repair, development and general growth, whether you are recovering from an illness or surgery, or have been nutrient-deficient in the past.
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