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(1) Ginseng: Ginseng has been known as an energy-boosting substance for centuries, and is readily available across the world. When the energy is boosted, we feel more able to do things, get out of the house, and engage normally.
While depression on the other hand is often associated with fatigue, lethargy, or exhaustion, which can make it difficult to maintain a normal quality of life, hold down a job, or engage in social interactions.
(2) GINKGO BILOBA: Ginkgo biloba has been shown to improve blood flow to the brain and protect against cognitive impairment in the case of Alzheimer's and dementia, Although the neurological effects are still up for some debate.
(3) FISH OIL: The fish oil supplements are popular recommendations for bipolar disorder. Studies have shown that populations consuming higher concentrations of fish and possessing higher levels of omega-3 in their blood stream less commonly exhibit signs of bipolar disorder.
(4) ST.JOHN'S WORT: St.john's wort is one of the natural treatments for depression of any kind, and is therefore highly effective for bipolar disorder.
St.John's wort can ease depressive tendencies and balance mood much like mood stabilizers, but without the dangerously addictive side effects.

But you should know that st.john's wort can complicate other medications being taken for bipolar disorder, so medical consultation is recommended.
(5) VALERIAN ROOT: This herb is also closely connected with bipolar disorder, it can act as a powerful sedative, ensuring healthy sleep and rest for suffers of this orders.
The root can also be linked to reduced rates of anxiety and stress, which are major contributors to bipolar disorder. By treating the symptoms, it will often eliminate the disorder entirely.
BLACK COHOSH: Black cohosh also known as black snakeroot, has long been known to suppress the nervous system and prevent manic episodes.
It is commonly used as a sedative, in regulated quantities, and can also help to balance the mood swings and behavioral and social issues that bipolar disorder patients regularly experience.
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