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    Respiratory Issues: Peppermint helps to relieve that irritating sensation that makes someone want to cough, thereby exacerbating the respiratory condition. By relaxing the muscles of the throat and chest.
2.     Nausea and Vomiting: Peppermint tea is antispasmodic, so it reduces the chances of vomiting and nausea. It also reduces stomachaches and queasiness associated with motion sickness, and its anti-inflammatory qualities can return the stomach to normal.
3.     Immune System: Peppermint tea has anti-bacteria properties against bacteria which are the cause of illnesses including fevers, coughs and colds.

It also prevent the body from getting sick. It has some elements of vitamin B, potassium, antioxidants and calcium which helps the body to fight off to fight off illnesses and perform necessary functions to keep the body working in a healthy way.
4.     Stress Level: peppermint with its natural sedative and menthol makes it very good at relieving mental stress. The anti-inflammatory nature also reduce blood pressure and body temperature, and allows the body to be relaxed.
5.     Fever reducer: peppermint tea has menthol as the main component, drinking the tea can cause an external sweating, while the menthol cools down the body inside. It essentially breaks a fever, and can also reduce the associated inflammation and discomfort.
6.     Digestive health: peppermint helps to move gas through the body as it accumulates rather than causing bloating, cramping and stomach discomfort. It also helps to stimulates bile flow to increase the rate and efficiency of digestion and promote healthy bowel movements.

7.     Bad breath: peppermint is rich in mentholated flavor and antibacterial quality which make it an ideal way to improve the bad breath. The antibacterial element kills the germs that can lead to halitosis, while the menthol overwhelms the foul smell and leaves the breath fresh and clean.
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